15 Special Bird Species Found in Uganda That You must see


Uganda is a land of natural wonders, where you can see some of the most amazing wildlife on the planet. From the majestic lions and elephants to the beautiful birds. in this article, we will introduce you to some of the birds that you shouldn’t miss when visiting this beautiful country, and why they are so special and unique.

Shoebill Stork Preview

Shoebill Stork

The shoebill stork is a large, prehistoric-looking bird that is found in swamps and marshes in eastern Africa. It has a distinctive bill that looks like a shoe, hence its name. The shoebill stork is an endangered species, with only a few thousand individuals left in the wild. It is one of the most sought-after birds by birdwatchers in Uganda. You can find it in places like Murchison Falls National Park, Semliki Wildlife Reserve, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Lake Victoria.

African Green Broadbill Preview

African Green Broadbill

The African green broadbill is a small, colorful bird that is found in the forests of East Africa. It has bright green plumage, a yellow breast, and a distinctive red bill. The African green broadbill feeds mainly on insects and spiders. It is endemic to Uganda, meaning it is found nowhere else in the world. You can see it in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and other forested areas.

Great Blue Turaco Preview

Great Blue Turaco

The great blue turaco is a stunning bird with bright blue feathers, red eyes, and a long tail. It is found in forests and woodlands throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The great blue turaco feeds mainly on fruit and insects. It is one of the largest and most beautiful turacos in the world. You can see it in Kibale Forest National Park and other forested areas.

African Fish Eagle Preview

African Fish Eagle

The African fish eagle is a majestic bird of prey that is found near water bodies throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It has a distinctive white head and chest, brown body, and powerful talons. The African fish eagle feeds mainly on fish, which it catches by swooping down from its perch or hovering over the water. The African fish eagle is a national symbol of several African countries, including Uganda. You can hear its loud and distinctive call echoing across the lakes and rivers.

Crested Crane Preview

Crested Crane

The crested crane is the national bird of Uganda, and it is featured on the country's flag. It is a graceful and elegant bird that stands over 3 feet tall and has a 6-foot wingspan. It has a grey body, a black neck, and a golden crown of feathers on its head. The crested crane loves living among the grassy wetlands of Uganda and rarely migrates. It has a complex and beautiful mating dance that involves bowing, jumping, and flapping its wings.

Green-breasted Pitta Preview

Green-breasted Pitta

The green-breasted pitta is a rare and elusive bird that is found in the lowland rainforests of Central Africa. It has a green head, chest, and back, a black face and throat, and a red belly. The green-breasted pitta feeds mainly on earthworms, which it digs out from the forest floor. It is one of the most sought-after birds by birdwatchers in Uganda. You can find it in Kibale Forest National Park and Budongo Forest Reserve.

Shelley's Crimsonwing Preview

Shelley's Crimsonwing

The Shelley's crimsonwing is a small, colorful finch that is found in the montane forests of East Africa. It has a crimson head, chest, and rump, a black back and wings, and a white belly. The Shelley's crimsonwing feeds mainly on seeds, fruits, and insects. It is one of the rarest and most endangered birds in the world, with only a few hundred individuals left in the wild. You can see it in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

African Green Pigeon Preview

African Green Pigeon

The African green pigeon is a medium-sized pigeon that is found in forests and woodlands throughout sub-Saharan Africa. It has a green body, a yellow face and breast, and a red bill and feet. The African green pigeon feeds mainly on fruits, especially figs. It is a social and noisy bird that often forms large flocks. You can see it in Murchison Falls National Park and other forested areas.

Ross's Turaco Preview

Ross's Turaco

The Ross's turaco is a large, striking bird with purple and blue plumage, a red crest, and a yellow bill and eye-ring. It is found in forests and woodlands in East and Central Africa. The Ross's turaco feeds mainly on fruits, flowers, and insects. It is a vocal and gregarious bird that often associates with other turacos. You can see it in Kidepo Valley National Park and other forested areas.

Grey Crowned Crane Preview

Grey Crowned Crane

The grey crowned crane is a tall and elegant bird that is found in wetlands and grasslands in Eastern and Southern Africa. It has a grey body, a black neck, and a golden crown of feathers on its head. The grey crowned crane feeds mainly on seeds, insects, frogs, and small animals. It has a complex and beautiful courtship dance that involves bowing, jumping, and flapping its wings. It is the national bird of Uganda and is featured on the country's flag.

Abyssinian Roller Preview

Abyssinian Roller

The Abyssinian Roller is a large, prehistoric-looking bird that has a butterscotch brown back and face that contrast sharply with its otherwise brilliant blue plumage. It has two unusually long tail feathers that look like streamers in flight. The Abyssinian Roller feeds mainly on rodents, snakes, invertebrates, and reptiles that are disturbed by fires or human activities. It is one of the most unmistakably beautiful birds in Uganda.

African Grey Hornbill Preview

African Grey Hornbill

The African Grey Hornbill is a medium-sized hornbill that has a grey body, a black-and-white striped belly, and a large curved bill. It feeds mainly on fruits, seeds, insects, and small animals. It is a social and noisy bird that often forms large flocks. It is one of the most common and widespread hornbills in Uganda.

Pink-backed Pelican Preview

Pink-backed Pelican

The pink-backed pelican is a large waterbird that has a grey body, a pink back, and a huge bill with a pouch. It feeds mainly on fish, which it scoops up from the water surface. It is a social and colonial bird that often nests in large groups. You can see it in Lake Victoria and other wetlands.

African Paradise Flycatcher Preview

African Paradise Flycatcher

The African paradise flycatcher is a small, colorful bird that has a black head, a chestnut body, and a long tail. The male has white or rufous wing patches, while the female is duller. It feeds mainly on insects, which it catches in flight or from foliage. It is a vocal and active bird that often flits around in the forest. You can see it in Kibale Forest National Park and other forested areas.

Crowned Eagle Preview

Crowned Eagle

The crowned eagle is a powerful and majestic bird of prey that has a dark brown body, a black head with a crest, and a white chest with black spots. It feeds mainly on monkeys, antelopes, and other medium-sized mammals, which it kills with its strong talons. It is one of the largest and most formidable eagles in the world. You can see it in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and other forested areas.


Birds provide many benefits and services to the ecosystem, such as pollination, pest control, and seed dispersal. However, birds are also vulnerable to human activities that destroy their habitats, reduce their food sources, and expose them to toxins. Therefore, we should all take steps to protect and conserve these wonderful winged wonders.