A Journey to Rwenzori National Park: A Mystical Challenge

Chapter 1: Introduction

Section 1.1: Planning the Adventure

Starting this big adventure was like planting a seed of excitement among us, old friends from St. Matia Mulumba Primary School. Everything began to buzz in August 2022 when we formed a special team to plan our trip to Rwenzori Mountain National Park. Imagine Bitosa Matic as our captain, making sure everything goes smoothly, and Sikahwa Wilbron being our planner-in-chief, carefully writing down all our ideas.

The excitement was like a spark in the air, making us feel connected to our old school days. Our committee, led by Bitosa and Sikahwa, felt like builders of dreams, creating something special for all of us. The planning sessions were like colorful discussions, where we shared memories and talked about the best ways to turn our dreams into reality.

In those planning talks, we not only decided where to go but also relived the fun we had in school. Bitosa, with his clear vision, made sure our plans matched our school spirit. Sikahwa, our detailed planner, turned our dreams into a clear plan. It was like putting together puzzle pieces to create an adventure that would be part of our shared story.

So, as our committee planned away, they didn't just organize a trip. They built a bridge between our past and our present, turning our shared memories into a real-life journey. And that journey? It was going to take us to the beautiful Rwenzori Mountains.

St. Matia Mulumba P/s Alumni Before the Trek
St. Matia Mulumba P/s Alumni Before the Trek (Photo by Landus)
Me, Landus and Jimmy before the Trek
Me, Landus and Jimmy before the Trek (Photo by Jonan)

Chapter 2: The Day Arrives

Section 2.1: The Anticipation

As the days went by, we got more and more excited about the special day, December 28, 2022. It felt like a drum beating louder and louder. Our small group, including me and my brother Muhindo Jonan, was filled with happiness. On the morning of the big day, we woke up super early at 5:00 am, all ready for the adventure ahead. We packed our bags and shoes very carefully to make sure we didn't forget anything.

Now, here's a little twist. There was a decision to make about what kind of shoes to wear – the heavy gum boots or the lighter shoes. My brother Jonan thought gum boots were the way to go, but I, being a bit stubborn, chose the lighter shoes. It just felt right for the high hikes we were going to do, even if it wasn't what my brother suggested.

So, the morning was a mix of excitement and a bit of going against the advice. Little did we know, this choice about shoes was just the start of all the adventures waiting for us in the Rwenzori Mountains.

Section 2.2: Preparation

Before the sun woke up, we called a Boda Boda at 6:40 am to take me and my brother to Nyakalengijo. But hey, we weren't alone on this journey! On the way, we stopped to pick up our friend, Mbaju Landus. Meanwhile, my brother Jonan took his own path to Nyakalengijo Trading Centre. Now, with all of us together, including our buddy Jimmy, we grabbed another Boda Boda to head to Nyakalengijo Trading Centre. There, we stocked up on snacks and drinks, getting ready for the long journey to Nyabithaba Hut.

Picture this: a bunch of friends on bikes, buzzing with excitement, ready for a day full of adventures. The bikes zipped through the paths, carrying us to the starting point of our big adventure. We made sure to grab some snacks, gearing up for what we thought was just a long journey to Nyabithaba Hut. Little did we know, the real fun was only just starting.

Chapter 3: The Trek Commences

Section 3.1: Gathering at Mihunga Gate
The Guide Giving us Guidance and instruction
The Guide Giving us Guidance and instructions (by Landus)
A Map of the Central Circuit Trail Networks
A Map of the Central Circuit Trail Networks (Photo by Amonison)

The big day unfolded with all of us coming together at Mihunga Gate, the main entrance to Mt. Rwenzori National Park. It was like a reunion – me, my friends Biira Mackline, Musoki Zonet, Muhindo Zonet, Muhindo Clinton, and many others. We were all set for the challenge, wearing our gum boots and trek pants. The air was buzzing with excitement as we prepared to step into the unknown. And oh, we couldn't resist capturing the moment with tons of pictures, freezing the start of our adventure.

Standing there, seeing familiar faces, felt like a flashback to good times. We were a mix of nerves and thrill, dressed in our adventure gear. The gate marked the beginning of our journey into Mt. Rwenzori, and every photo we took was a piece of the story we were creating. Little did we realize, this gathering at Mihunga Gate was just the opening scene of our unforgettable trek.

In those moments, it was more than just a meeting point; it was a shared excitement, a collective breath before the climb. Gum boots, trek pants, and smiles – that's how we faced the challenge together. The gate, like a portal to adventure, opened, and we stepped in, ready for what the Rwenzori Mountains had in store for us. And so, with each friend by our side, we began the ascent, not just up the mountain but into a day that would become a lasting memory.

Section 3.2: Guided Tour Briefing

Before diving into the heart of the park, we had a must-stop moment at Mihunga Gate. It wasn't just a pause; it was where we got things in order – signing up, calling out names, and finishing up necessary paperwork. And here's the cool part: we were teamed up with a guide, a real expert. In a talk that felt more like a chat, our guide gave us the lowdown on the trail – what it's like, how high it goes, things to watch out for, and even some cool history bits. The best part? The guide was like a walking encyclopedia, telling us about the park's wildlife, from Chimpanzees and Blue monkeys to the Red Dikes, the bird celebs of the Montane and Bamboo zones.

Picture this as our guide turning the boring paperwork stuff into a mini adventure preview. We learned about the trail's twists and turns, the ups and downs in elevation, and even got some juicy stories about the park's past. The guide made it super interesting, making sure we were all set for what lay ahead. And with that, armed with newfound knowledge, we stepped into the Rwenzori adventure, ready for surprises the guide hinted were waiting for us.

Chapter 4: The Trail Experience
Section 4.1: Mahoma Nature Trail

With all the paperwork done, we were ready for the real fun – walking the Mahoma Nature Trail. It's like a secret path, and there's a signpost showing us the way. The trail takes us right into the middle of the park, where it's all mysterious and unexplored. Me, my brother, and our friends started a seven-hour walk from the Mihunga gate. That's a fancy way of saying we walked for a long time! We started at a place 1,700 meters above sea level and went up and up until we reached our first stop – Nyabithaba, sitting at 2,651 meters above sea level.

Imagine it like a journey through a hidden world, following a trail that takes us higher and higher. The signpost was like a little map saying, "This way to adventure!" As we walked, the air got cooler, and the views got more amazing. 

Swinging Bridge on River Mahoma
Swinging Bridge on River Mahoma (Photo by Amonison)
Horned Chameleon
Horned Chameleon (Photo by Amonison)

As we walked, we found ourselves surrounded by nature's wonders. Imagine cool stairs made of metal and wood, almost like magic, placed along the path. We couldn't help but wonder how they got up there so high. And there were more surprises waiting for us – swinging bridges over River Kyoho and R. Mahoma. The excitement kicked up a notch as we got closer to the resting hut, the "Omusinga wa’ Rwenzururu Hut." It felt like we reached the finish line of the easy part, with lots of stairs, and now things were getting steeper, testing just how tough we really were.

The guide said we should keep going at our own speed because a really steep part was coming up. But, you see, tiredness started to hit, especially for the girls. They weren't sure about handling the next part of the journey

It felt like a moment where we had to make a choice – some of us wanted to keep going fast, while others needed to take it a bit slower. The guide was super supportive, but the steep slope made us realize we had to split up. We all had different paces, and it just made more sense to go at our own speeds.

Despite knowing tough times were ahead, we kept going, naturally forming three groups based on how strong and enduring we felt. The first group, with folks like me and my brother, were the strong hikers. The second group had people with a moderate pace, and the third group, mainly made up of strong ladies, took things a bit slow as they faced the climb.

The Guide explaining important information
The Guide explaining important information (Photo by Landus)
Close to Nyabithaba
Close to Nyabithaba (photo by Amonison)

While dealing with the physical challenges, our guide kept telling us cool stuff, making the trail less mysterious. We learned about different trees and plant zones, making the whole journey even more interesting. And guess what? The guide spotted a Horned chameleon, telling us all about how it lives and what it's like. Some friends even let the chameleon crawl on their arms, showing a cool mix of trust and curiosity that made the adventure even more exciting.

Our guide, a walking encyclopedia, kept sharing cool facts about the plants and animals around us. Going deeper into the trail, me and my friends came across a Horned chameleon, this amazing creature hiding in the leaves. Some friends let it crawl on their arms, but not me – I'm a bit cautious about trusting animals too much.

Moving ahead, we tackled tricky, slippery parts of the trail. The cold was biting, and we were getting tired with our snacks and water running low, making things even tougher. But, you know what? Our group's teamwork and friendship shone bright. Despite the tough times, we brought out our funny sides, especially my buddy Jonan, who cracked jokes that reminded us of Mr. Bean. Those laughs were like a boost, helping us move on to the next part of the climb.

Our big goal was to get to Nyabithaba, sitting pretty at 2,651 meters above sea level. It was a huge achievement, almost halfway to Uganda's highest point, Margherita, towering at 5,109 meters above sea level. The guide kept telling us how much more we had to go, keeping us pumped up and focused on the big prize.

Section 4.2: Nyabithaba Camp

Finally, reaching Nyabithaba was like hitting a jackpot. Even though it was foggy and intense around there, our group was just bursting with joy and relief. The camp had this cool stone cave covered in smoke, with a fireplace in the middle. The tall trees, the distant sound of a river, and the occasional drizzles created this magical vibe. I couldn't help but be amazed at the camp's setup in the wild, wondering how they brought everything to this remote spot.

A Cave at Nyabithaba
A Cave at Nyabithaba (Photo by Amonison)
A Happy Moment from the Trek
A Happy Moment from the Trek (Selfie by Landus)

While at Nyabithaba, we took a breather to stretch our tired muscles, gathering around the fireplace to share stories and soak in the victory. The vibe was buzzing with a sense of achievement, like we had conquered Mt. Rwenzori itself. Nyabithaba became more than just a camp; it was proof of our toughness and never-give-up spirit.

Section 4.3: Exploring Lake Mahoma

Even after the tough climb, some of us still had energy left for more excitement. We took a short break and then headed for another journey – this time to see Lake Mahoma. This lake is famous for being the home of the Black African Duck and sits peacefully at 3,000 meters above sea level, just 2.5 kilometers from Nyabithaba camp. The adventure to Lake Mahoma brought its own challenges, with dense bamboo areas and a determined pace set by me, Jonan, Landus, and a few more friends.

On our way to Mahoma
On our way to Mahoma (Photo by Landus)
Bamboo Forest in Rwenzori
Bamboo Forest in Rwenzori (Photo by Amonison)

Even though the trail was tough, the group got amazing rewards – stunning views and special moments. Going through the thick bamboo area, we couldn't help but be amazed by the greenery and the quiet beauty of Lake Mahoma. The lake, surrounded by lush green plants, felt so calm and beautiful. We made sure to capture this wonderful moment, taking lots of pictures to remember our visit to this untouched natural gem.

Lake Mahoma
Lake Mahoma (Photo by Landus)
Jimmy Carrying Tired Felester
Jimmy Carrying Tired Felester (Photo by Landus)
Chapter 5: The Descend
Section 5.1: Descend from Mahoma and back to Mihunga

As the day turned into evening and we noticed time was running out, we hurried down to meet up with the friends who stayed back at Nyabithaba. Going down, even though it's usually easier than going up, needed us to be careful to make sure everyone got back safe and sound. Reaching Nyabithaba again felt like meeting up with long-lost friends who decided to take a break after the tough climb. We got checked, got a little time to rest, and then we were given the green light to continue towards our final stop.

Section 5.2: UNESCO Recognition

Looking back at Rwenzori Mountain National Park, it's pretty cool that the park got recognized by UNESCO as a special World Heritage and Ramsar site. And get this, the Rwenzori Mountains do something huge – they give a whopping 65% of the Nile's water. That's a big deal, showing how important the mountains are for nature. People call it a "mystical challenge," saying it's super hard for hikers. But you know what? That just makes the park even more fascinating.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

The Rwenzori Mountains turned out to be a bit of a mysterious challenge, pushing us hikers to our limits. As I think back on the tough but totally worth-it journey, my mind starts to dream about what's next. And guess what? We've got a new goal – we want to conquer Margherita in the next few months. The whole group is super excited about this new challenge.


Every adventure needs a big thank you. So, a warm thank you goes out to our guide, the Mt. Rwenzori National Park Tour Team, and, of course, to all the awesome folks in our group. This adventure worked because we all teamed up, stayed tough, and had that curiosity to explore.


A moment with other Tourists
A moment with other Tourists (Photo by Landus)
At The Omusinga Wa' Rwenzururu Resting point
At The Omusinga Wa' Rwenzururu Resting point (by Jonan)
Ladder Climb
Ladder Climb (Photo by Amonison)
At one of the Bridges in Rwenzori
At one of the Bridges in Rwenzori (Photo by Amonison)